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THE GOLDEN AGES OF EVOLUTION that are supposedly buried in the fossil record are presented in textbooks as if there is clear evidence that life emerged on this planet spontaneously and then gradually evolved from simple to complex. First came amino acids, then proteins, microspheres, a primal nucleic acid replicator, cells, trilobites, worms, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and humans. If one digs down into the Earth, that is the history that will supposedly be revealed.

In actual fact, there is the sudden appearance of life at the Cambrian layer. Thousands of plants and animals appear there and upwards in the strata. There are no antecedents in Precambrian formations. For example, there is no record of the evolution of flowering plants or ferns.

Moreover, there are numerous animals today that look identical to their ancient fossil kin. Examples of such creatures (living fossils) include bats, mollusks (neopilina), lizards (tuatara), insects, starfish, trees (Metasequoia, Ginkgo, Cycad, Wollemi pines, and 385 million year old Gilboa fossils with traits very similar to modern trees), the Coelacanth fish, sea lilies, and the Port Jackson Shark, to name a few.

Some living fossils—such as the Coelacanth , which supposedly crawled gasping and flopping onto an ancient mud flat hoping to be what it was not—were even heralded as missing links until they were found alive and kicking. Evolutionists can only hope upon hope that now, when a fossil is coronated as a missing link, it does the respectable thing and stays in its coffin.

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